A new brand revolving around the idea of delivering parcels from person to person, rather than from A to B.
Move GLS from a functional brand into a more personal brand to build a relationship with both senders and receivers. Although GLS is a global brand; each country has a unique market position, is organized differently and has varying product offering and strengths.
Parcels are seen as a commodity, but at the same time people care a lot about them. However the market focuses on technical process and operational excellence. GLS realises that you are only as good as your last delivery, no matter any prior deliveries. And people understand that sometimes something can go wrong, as long as it’s not their shipment.
We redesigned the brand to show how GLS delivers not just parcels, but parcels to people. Coming from the belief that ‘it’s never just a parcel’, we put the businesses radical common sense first. This mentality is reflected in brand line, design language, tone of voice and was translated into the campaign construct ‘This is not a parcel’, built around the key interaction moment between GLS and their customers: the pick-up or delivery of a shipment.